“My Reflection For Easter.” by Donald Andre Bruneau

slide_WLStrive For HeavenDuring these 40 days of Lent, as Catholics, we meditate on the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

God the Father, so loved us, sinners, that He sent His only Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, so that we may choose to go to Heaven and not perish in Hell, for all eternity. (Cf: John 3:16)

One day, several years ago, while I was caring for and having coffee with my precious semi-paralyzed mother in a Nursing Home, she unexpectedly came out with this Heavenly message:

“Time is precious,

It gives us time to love

Time to have God’s preciousness.”

(Leona Bruneau-Deschenes, Dec 26, 2005.)

I was so profoundly moved in my spirit by her words that I prayerfully composed and wrote the following poem. It contains the “Raison D’Etre” of Lent and Easter.

It offers each of us a “choice” during our short and precious “time” on earth. What will be ” your” choice, after reading the poem?

Donald Andre Bruneau


Time is Precious!

It gives us time to love
Time to have God’s preciousness.

Such were the words of mom
Now eighty years plus some
As we enjoyed coffee

With a puzzled look I said:
“God’s preciousness?”
With the wisdom of a mother
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Mom explained:

“You are precious to me
God is precious to us
You are giving to prove it
It is Christmas time
The time to give.”

Through prayer and contemplation
I sought to understand
To understand the link
And God’s preciousness.

My answer came
In the birth of Christ
On that day of greatest fame
Known as Christmas.

On Christmas Day
That time for special giving
First loved us
His precious, precious ones.

He gave His only Son
Born of the Virgin
Incarnated, the God-man
In whom
He put all His love.

Born in a manger
Baby Jesus
Son of St-Joseph and
Mary, Mother of God
Leaves this world as
The ‘Crucified’.

To become
The ‘Risen One’
The One who vanquished
Sin and Death
And birthed ‘Eternity’
For you and me.

God the Father
Did this
Cause, He so loves us
He offers us His only Son.
A choice.
Will it be
A loving Heavenly
Through faith in Christ
The Lord.


A hated-filled
Hellish eternity.
For whosoever obstinately refuses
God’s awesome Mercy.

“Time is precious!
It gives us time to love
Time to have God’s preciousness.”

Time allows us
In wellness or in suffering
Another day
Another hour
To love God, love our neighbor,
Ask forgiveness for our sins.

Time allows us
Another moment
Before the Final one
To choose to repent,
Give our life
To Jesus Christ, Savior.

The consequence?
Your name written
In the ‘Book of Life’
Enjoying God and
Each other’s love and preciousness
In a Holy, Heavenly

Time is precious!
So remember always
Within that great dichotomy
You must ultimately
Your destiny.

About Donald

Donald Andre Bruneau is a Metis, Canadian, Traditional Catholic, evangelist, writer, poet, Married 51+ years, pro-LIFE, exposer of Evil, proclaimer of Truth.

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