Nano Soma Testimonial

Nano Soma, also known as MethaDichol is truly a ‘gift’ from Heaven.

The inventor of Nano Soma is Dr. Palayakotai Raghavan.

On July 18, 2023, my wife and I started using Nano Soma. I had listened to several videos on and listened to several hundred testimonials of people healed by using Nano Soma. I was very impressed.

My wife Claudette and I are seniors and have a wonderful Calico cat called ‘Gazelle’.

All three of us have discovered how Nano Soma, which is a liquid food, brings healing and comfort to our bodies when taken by mouth using a small spray bottle or applied to the skin, for wound healing, etc.

I have dry itchy skin. When it starts to bother me a few sprays of Nano Soma soon eliminates the itch.

A few weeks ago for the first time ever, I had a very sore elbow. Within hours after spraying Nano Soma on it, the pain was gone and never returned.

About three weeks ago I suffered EXTREME FATIGUE. I was sleeping between 12 to 14 hours a day! I do not know what caused this fatigue. After a week of this I increased my regular 5 sprays from once a day to 4 times a day. Within a week my fatigue was gone, my energy level got better day by day.

As for my wife, one spray in her ear fixed the pain she had in her ear. Also Nano Soma helps to control her different aches and pains.

Now for Gazelle, our cat.

Our cat Gazelle loves to be pet.

Suddenly we could not touch her.

The cause of this was the Dry food diet she was on. I later changed to a ‘wet’ food diet. Her pain caused her to scratched herself right down to raw skin.

I applied Nano Soma spray to the raw skin. Almost immediately she began to heal and her hair grew back.

A few times a week I give Gazelle a dose of Nano to keep her young and healthy.

What got me into taking Nano Soma was watching the video interviews of Dr. Palayakotai Raghavan by Dr. Richard Presser on and when I learned from Dr. P. Raghavan and many testimonials that NanoSoma DETOXES **vaccinated people I was SOLD!

Every chance I get I inform people of Nano Soma, truly a GIFT from Heaven!

Joseph Donald Andre Bruneau,


About Donald

Donald Andre Bruneau is a Metis, Canadian, Traditional Catholic, evangelist, writer, poet, Married 51+ years, pro-LIFE, exposer of Evil, proclaimer of Truth.

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