Citizens of Northern Ireland, do not let Sinn Fein bring ‘aborterrorism’ into your country.

 The political party ‘Sinn Fein’ is attempting to unleash the worst form of terrorism upon it’s people in Northern Ireland. This terrorism is called ‘aborterrorism’. (

Aborterrorism, the abortion of a baby, torn apart piece by piece, occurs daily, hourly, in Canada, in what should be the safest place in the world–the womb of a woman. Canada is a ‘Dying Nation’, cursed by the fact that the preborn baby has absolutely no legal protection against abortion. A baby in Canada can be aborted at any time, right up to the moment of birth. Shame on Canada! The Criminal Code of Canada states in Section 223.1 that the child in the womb of a woman is NOT A HUMAN BEING until it is completely out of the womb. I repeat: Canada is a ‘Dying Nation’.

As Canadians, we live in a ‘Culture of Death’, i.e.: contraception, abortion, euthanasia, etc. The human race requires 2.1 babies per family to remain alive. In Canada, we have only 1.6 babies per family! One out of every four babies is aborted. Well over 100,000 Canadian babies are destroyed in the womb every year!

I speak as a veteran prolife advocate. I have spent seven years on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada protesting aborterrorism. I wore graphic signs in the front and back of my person and another sign held by hand above my shoulders. I have written extensively about my conversations and meetings with both prolife and prochoice people. My website relates many of my experiences. I was hated, cursed at, spit at, threatened with death…and loved. I was overjoyed one morning in 2018 when a grandmother approached me to thank me. She informed me that her daughter did not abort her second child. She changed her mind after seeing my graphic signs which showed the horrific truth about aborterrorism. As a result ‘Anastasia’ was born alive! She lives!

I invite all the people of Northern Ireland and Ireland to read my ‘Open Letter to Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.’ (See blog of

How can you prevent aborterrorism from becoming legalized? Politicians, Doctors, Clergy as ‘leaders’, can do much to prevent aborterrorism in Northern Ireland and Ireland because of your profession and leadership positions. Also the citizens ultimately decide what happens with their vote. Screen your candidate well and make sure he/she has 100% prolife record. Remember this: each one of us will die one day and on that day, this Word of God will be applied to us;

“And it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgment.” Hebrews 9:27

When judged by God Almighty, for eternity will you found to be guilty or innocent as regards to aborterrorism? Will you be going to Heaven or Hell?

Pope John Paul 11 once said: “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.”

And at the recent March for Life in the USA, President Donald Trump said: “Every life brings love into this world. Every child brings joy to a family. Every person is worth protecting.”

So, citizens of Northern Ireland and Ireland, make sure your candidate is 100% prolife, check out his/her prolife history before voting for them. Prevent prochoice politicians from instituting aborterrorism in Northern Ireland and Ireland.

I finish with this. My precious mother inspired me to write this: “Time and Life are precious, They give us the opportunity to love, Time to have God’s preciousness”

And pray, pray, pray for God to bring a fearless, people loving, prolife leader for Northern Ireland and Ireland. He did a Miracle with the USA and Donald Trump, he can do it for the Irish. God bless all the Irish people.

Donald Andre Bruneau, B.Th., M.P.Th.


Donald Andre Bruneau, B.Th., M.P.Th. Canada. January 26, 2020.

About Donald

Donald Andre Bruneau is a Metis, Canadian, Traditional Catholic, evangelist, writer, poet, Married 51+ years, pro-LIFE, exposer of Evil, proclaimer of Truth.

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