To Jesus through Mary

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Jesus saith to him: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.” John 14:6:

Preparation-for-Total-Consecration-to-our-Lady (download file here).

My Encounter with ‘Mary’
Mother Of Our “Lord Jesus Christ”

It was in the Spring of 1989 that I prayed for God to open doors for me to go to Medjugorje,(former Yugoslavia) Bosnia(cf: , and )where the Virgin Mary has been appearing to six seers since her first apparition on June 24, 1981. The opportunity came when I was asked if I wanted to be a delegate fromTimmins,Ontario to attend the ‘VII International Leaders Conference of the Catholic Charismatics’ inRome, beginning October 9, 1989 to October 14, 1989. My plans were to extend the one week trip inRome by another week and visit Medjugorje, to meet Mother Mary.

I was joined by nine others from the Rome Conference and we arrived in Medjugorje on October 17th, on Tuesday afternoon. We all stayed at the same house. Tuesday evening, I decided I would rise very early the next morning to go by myself to the Hill of Apparitions. Leaving quietly at 6:25 a.m. Wednesday, October 18th, I was surprisingly accompanied by Father Gaspard Martin ( a priest fromHull, Quebec).

As we left the house and began to walk on the dirt road, Father Martin (he had been to Medjugorje two years previous) said to me: “Donald, Medjugorje is not an ordinary place, and also the sun is very different here in Medjugorje.” As he said this to me, there was a most beautiful sunrise in front of us. I stopped suddenly and stared at the sun. The sun was not hard to look at, and it did not hurt my eyes as I stood and stared directly at it. It quickly turned to a pure white colour and began to dance. Afterwards, gushes of crimson red appeared from behind it, top bottom and sides.

Next, I realized that my face was covered with tears, as these words came to me in my interior, “The Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” Father Martin then quoted meMalachi 4:2: “But unto you that fear My name, the Sun of justice shall arise, and health in his wings: and you shall go forth, and shall leap like calves of the herd.”

Afterwards Father Martin and I journeyed up the Hill of Apparitions where we prayed the Rosary together. I never prayed the Rosary so much in all my life, as in the three days I spent in Medjugorje. It was three days spent in intense prayer and praying for others by the laying on of hands.

On Friday morning, October 20th, myself and Mila and Nora (two Philipino ladies who accompanied our group fromRome) and another couple, made our way upMountKrisevac. As we climbed the mountain we stopped for prayer and reading of the Word at each of the Stations of the Cross. We arrived at the top around 11 a.m. Each one of us prayed individually, then together afterwards as previously agreed upon.

Before we left to go down the mountain, I asked my four friends if they would gather around me, lay hands on me and pray for me. I wanted to receive God’s final message to me before I left Medjugorje. Al, a former Protestant turned Catholic, was asked to lead the group in praying for me. As they prayed in the Spirit, God spoke to me through Al by the gift of prophecy…”My son, I am happy the way you want to get closer to Jesus and Mary…My son, as you draw closer to Mary, you will draw much closer to my Son Jesus….My thoughts and my ways are not your thoughts and ways…just trust Me as a simple child and I will bless you much…Broad is the road that leads to damnation and narrow is the way to Eternal Life…Continue being a servant for Me.”

During that time of prayer I consecrated myself to the Immaculate Heart Of Mary. We left Medjugorje at 3 p.m. Friday, October 20th by bus with another group, who informed us that we would be making a visit to the Shrine of Lanciano, in Italy. It was in Lanciano, that the “Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano” (cf: ) took place 1250 years ago. A Basilian monk who was celebrating Mass and who had a hard time to believe that the bread and wine was the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, witnessed himself, the bread and wine which he consecrated, turn into real human flesh and blood before his eyes.

So here I was on Saturday afternoon, October 21st, in Lanciano, a place I had not planned to visit during my trip toRome. As I was in the church praying, one of the passengers from the bus came to me, interrupted me, and said to me, as he urged me to focus my eyes beyond the altar, up high on the wall of the church, to look up at a large painting of a monstrance with a beautiful, large pure white Host in the centre of it.

He then said to me: “See the Host, up high on the wall; it is just like the sun in Medjugorje, which you saw become white and like the Host.” After saying this to me, he left and we never engaged in conversation again afterwards. That was all he said to me. The next day I leftRometo return home toCanada, arriving Sunday evening, and like Mary “pondering all these happenings and revelations in my heart”.

While in Rome I had purchased a book title “The Mystery of the Rosary” by Rev. Marc Tremeau, O.P., and a few weeks after my return home, I perused through the book and one of the passages really got my attention and I quote:

“But let us not forget the bond that links the Virgin of the Rosary to her Son. In all the mysteries it is to the Son of God that she leads us. In every Hail Mary it is on Him that the salutations turn. Yet in the Rosary with its meditation we reach the Son of God only by faith. We are not united with Him sacramentaly, as in the Eucharist. However, the flow of contemplation and love which through Mary, leads us to Jesus (emphasis mine) in the Rosary also leads us to desire him in the reality, infinitely mysterious, of the Eucharist”. (cf: pg 82)

I realize, as I terminate my sharing of the pilgrimage to meet Mary, I did indeed meet her in Medjugorje, and Mary true to her role, in turn has pointed and directed me again and again, during my trip, to Jesus in the Eucharist!

Thank you Mary, and all praises and honour and glory to Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords!

By: Donald Andre Bruneau, November 25, 1989.

St. Louis de Montfort’s Way: Total Consecration. see:

“Totus Tuus” of Blessed John Paul II” To fully understand Blessed John Paul II’s Total Consecration, go to:

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