The Immaculate Conception of Mary And The Cross of Jesus Christ

Today, on December 8, 2012, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, I have consecrated the to the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” through the “Immaculate Heart of Mary”.

I can think of no greater way to begin the “Year of Faith” and to render honour and thanks for “God’s Love and Mercy” for us all than to begin the first day of this website’s launch into the ‘digital world’ than by speaking about the “Immaculate Conception of Mary” (visit: ) and the “Cross of Jesus Christ.”  Through a special poem written by ‘Rose Nadeau’, poet and song writer. (cf: ) . The poem is titled: “In the Cross” and can be found on this website.

To anyone who is not Catholic and may wonder why I put such an importance on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I suggest that they read “To Jesus Through Mary” found on this website.

If you read the lives of great saints such as our recently canonized ‘Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Saint Padre Pio, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort and Pope John Paul II, you will discover that they all had an extraordinary devotion and love for Mary and God used them in mighty ways to save souls.

You see, when you ‘consecrate’ yourself to “Jesus through Mary” you give Mother Mary the ‘permission’ to be your Heavenly Mother and she will see to it that you are formed to the ‘image of Christ’ and become Holy, become a ‘Saint’.

Please don’t underestimate Mary’s great power which the Church is quick to acknowledge comes only through the merits of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who shed His precious blood for me a sinner, and all sinners. (cf: Romans 1)

The Blessed Virgin Mary, who “from the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin.” (cf:

It is my sincerest prayer and hope that each and every person who visits this website will be touched in one way or the other by Jesus and Mary’s awesome Love for them.

Please visit the ‘Divine Mercy’ page and learn of God’s ‘Ocean of Mercy’ waiting for each person who will turn to Him. Strive for Heaven Now. Tomorrow may be too late.

Blessings+, with the promise of our prayers,

Donald Andre Bruneau,   December 8th, 2012.

In The Cross
(An infusion of heavenly sweetness)

In the Cross is a message, of salvation for eternity

In the Cross is protection from all your enemies

In the Cross is mercy itself, lift it high each day

In the Cross is forgiveness, as we ponder it and pray

In the Cross is our hope, eternal life there is found

In the Cross is suffering love, it leads us Heaven bound

In the Cross darkness vanishes, hold the light in your hand

In the Cross there is strength, to fight hatred in this land


In the Cross is the proof that God is Truth and Love

In the Cross is a sign of Redemption, a gift from up above

In the Cross is a sign of great Joy, Happiness and Peace

In the Cross is found a Love that will never end or cease


In the Cross is wisdom, courage and peace of mind

In the Cross is virtue, to help you be patient and kind

In the Cross is perfection, in it the way is clearly seen

In the Cross when trouble comes, on it we can lean


In the Cross 2000 years ago Jesus died, died for me and you

In the Cross are the stories of Christmas Day and Easter too

In the Cross holds History’s Story, no one can deny It is true

Take up thy cross and follow the Way, Love is calling you


“Yes” in the Cross, the purpose of life and death unfolds

In the Cross is the knowledge, that we are as precious as gold

Look at the Cross, may it remind you each and every day

Carry it, wear it, pick it up, it is The Truth, The Life,and The Way.


By: Rose Nadeau,

Dec.5, 2012. Written and inspired by the writings “Of the Imitation of Christ.” of Thomas A

Kempis, Book 21, Chapter 12 Of The King’s Highway of the Holy Cross.

Take up therefore thy cross and follow Jesus (Luke 14:27) and thou shalt go into life everlasting.


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